Monday, December 30, 2013

Floor Rug

Earlier this year I purchased a roll of t-shirt yarn from Spotlight. There was only 1 roll left and it was white and $5.00.  I had to buy it. It then sat in my craft room until Boxing Day when I decided to make a rug for Megan's floor.

I tried making up a pattern as I went, but it ended up looking frilly, so I pulled it apart and rerolled the ball and started over, this time following a pattern from Dandelion Day. I managed to finish the whole project in roughly 3 hours. So I am over the moon at completing another project.

Now comes the hard part. Miss Indecisive wants to ombré dye it.

Bye for now

1 comment:

  1. Deb I'd love to see the floor rug you've made as I'm sure it looks fabulous but for some reason I can't see the picture at all...just an empty white box. I love working with t-shirt yarn! So fun and it works up so quickly too. :)
