There has been a blog hop with a difference happening in creative circles and my lovely friend ,Janelle Wind tagged me. I met Janelle in real life last year after following her through magazines and her blog for about 10 years. One day we will sit down for a proper chat, Janelle.
I have a series of questions to answer and then I tag someone else and that is how this blog hop keeps moving along.
What are you working on right now? I have a couple of projects on the go - a crochet cardigan for my niece and a pair of fingerless mittens for myself. Not to forget a quilt I have been trying to finish for a year 😳
How long does it take to create a project? well, that really depends on my level of interest. My large sewing projects take awhile, my knitting and crocheting takes anywhere from a day to a week. Scrapping and Project Life layouts doesn't take long at all as I am trying to just do it and not overthink.
What are my favourite things to create with at the moment? I have to admit that I am in love with yarn at the moment. I really cannot walk past a yarn store.
How does my creative process work? I tend to just go with the flow. With scrapping I start with a white background and a photo, then I spend a few minutes putting patterned paper and embellishments with it. With yarn, I seem to buy yarn and then come home and search Ravelry for ideas. At the moment I am discovering knitting and so I can take a whole day to actually get the right pattern and needles sorted.
How do I become inspired and stay inspired? I spend time checking Instagram, Pinterest and Ravelry almost daily. I find that if I am making something that others are also making, I can keep the inspiration flowing. Other times, it is just plain hard work.
What is my signature style? I really don't think I have a signature style.
Now its time for me to tag someone. I really hope you check out the blogs and I hope you have enjoyed a little insight into my creative process.
I tag Jenny from Elefantz. I have followed Jenny for a few years and love the stories she tells, and her stitchery designs are amazing. I also have found inspiration from the journey Jenny and her husband are taking both with their health and as empty nesters.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
I am still here
Wow, I didn't realise how long it has been since I visited my blog! I have every intention of changing that. For now I will just catch you up on the happenings here.
Len - still loving his new job and starting to travel more. Recently spent a weekend in the country helping his brother renovate an old church he and his wife bought.
Megan - spent her Uni break on the Gold Coast with her boyfriend and is now back at Uni.
Andy - decided he wanted to leave school and join the Army. Changed his mind and now wants to finish his education at Tafe.
Me - lots of knitting, crochet, study, reading, cooking and all of the other normal housewife stuff. I have also been working some casual hours at a child care centre. My bad days are getting less and I am starting to get excited about life again.
Hope all is well with you,
Deb x
Len - still loving his new job and starting to travel more. Recently spent a weekend in the country helping his brother renovate an old church he and his wife bought.
Megan - spent her Uni break on the Gold Coast with her boyfriend and is now back at Uni.
Andy - decided he wanted to leave school and join the Army. Changed his mind and now wants to finish his education at Tafe.
Me - lots of knitting, crochet, study, reading, cooking and all of the other normal housewife stuff. I have also been working some casual hours at a child care centre. My bad days are getting less and I am starting to get excited about life again.
Hope all is well with you,
Deb x
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Vivid Sydney 2014
We went to Vivid a couple of years ago and really enjoyed ourselves. After realising that we were all free on the same night of the long weekend, we decided lets go to Vivid. As our children are getting older we are very conscious of spending quality time with them and making family outings a priority.
So we left home at about 3 in the afternoon and had a really good run into the city, the trip took just over an hour, and we managed to find a really good parking spot. Andy wanted to buy a winter jacket so we trudged up to the Queen Victoria Building and he found a jacket in Top Shop. The rain had stopped so we walked around to the Rocks with the plan of having dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks. Unfortunately, the lines were so long that we kept walking.
I must admit that the crowds were horrendous and Vivid was very underwhelming, but we enjoyed the family time and had lots of laughs.
We decided to head to Leichhardt for dinner, and found a really nice pizza and pasta restaurant that had a lovely atmosphere.
What did you get up to this weekend?
Debbie xx
So we left home at about 3 in the afternoon and had a really good run into the city, the trip took just over an hour, and we managed to find a really good parking spot. Andy wanted to buy a winter jacket so we trudged up to the Queen Victoria Building and he found a jacket in Top Shop. The rain had stopped so we walked around to the Rocks with the plan of having dinner at Pancakes on the Rocks. Unfortunately, the lines were so long that we kept walking.
I must admit that the crowds were horrendous and Vivid was very underwhelming, but we enjoyed the family time and had lots of laughs.
We decided to head to Leichhardt for dinner, and found a really nice pizza and pasta restaurant that had a lovely atmosphere.
Debbie xx
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Cushion Sewing
A little while ago, my friend and I named my depression Carmen. No particular reason. I was just drawn to that name.
Anyway, Carmen has been visiting these last few days, which is why I have been quiet. I just needed some time to reflect and regroup. I still don't feel myself but after an afternoon of sewing, I am feeling a bit more centred.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a kit from The Crafty Squirrel to make a cushion from charm squares cut from vintage sheets. I spent a week trying to put the squares in the perfect order and of course, didn't sew anything. Today I just got out the kit and quickly put the squares in a pleasing order and went for it.
There was a lot of sorting, some sewing, some ironing, learning how to sew buttonholes again, some quilting and finally, putting in a cushion insert. It was a really clear set of instructions and we all love our new cushion.
Anyway, Carmen has been visiting these last few days, which is why I have been quiet. I just needed some time to reflect and regroup. I still don't feel myself but after an afternoon of sewing, I am feeling a bit more centred.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a kit from The Crafty Squirrel to make a cushion from charm squares cut from vintage sheets. I spent a week trying to put the squares in the perfect order and of course, didn't sew anything. Today I just got out the kit and quickly put the squares in a pleasing order and went for it.
There was a lot of sorting, some sewing, some ironing, learning how to sew buttonholes again, some quilting and finally, putting in a cushion insert. It was a really clear set of instructions and we all love our new cushion.
Debbie xxx
Sunday, June 1, 2014
June's To-Do List
Winter seems to be here at last and tonight we are enjoying an evening in front of the fire. I love my fireplace and how warm it makes the house. I am curled up on the lounge with my planner and my notebook and I am just enjoying the slowness of a winters night. I got so much out of posting every day in May that I am going to try and continue the habit.
Today we took Andy to the SMH Careers Market at Moore Park. it was so nice spending time with him and it was interesting the way he approached the market. No questions and just collecting everything he could. We spent the hour long trip home listening to him read information to us. At the moment he is thinking about doing a gap year with the Army. I am not sure how I feel about this.
Anyway this month will see me start prac at a pre school for one day a week so I have to be in a much better routine. I will also need to spend at least one day a week studying. The problem will be saying no to distractions.
On a personal level, this month I am aiming to -
meditate more
keep the house tidier
exercise more
take more photos
What does your to-do list look like?
Debbie xx
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Today marks the end of Sunday's Post Every Day in May challenge and I made it! I did miss a couple of days but I am really happy with what I have achieved. I have some new followers and I have some new blogs to follow and my writing is becoming much easier to me. For all of this I am grateful to Sunday.
I am grateful for -
my husband
my babies
my fur babies
our life together
our extended family
our friends
our health
that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table

What are you grateful for?
Debbie xx
I am grateful for -
my husband
my babies
my fur babies
our life together
our extended family
our friends
our health
that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table
What are you grateful for?
Debbie xx
Advice is something we either get when we don't need it or don't get when we do need it.
One piece of advice that I gave my children and their friends is to take every opportunity that comes there way and to live every square inch of their lives, but to be safe whilst doing so.
Interestingly, I haven't really followed this advice myself.
When I lost my job before Christmas, I was devastated. I allowed my feelings to rule my life again. the common theme was - who would employ me? I have no skills. I am too old. I fell apart.
Fast forward to March. Len was told he was being made redundant. Did I fall apart again? No. I stayed strong and positive. I kept saying to him "that wasn't your job anymore, its time to see what opportunity comes along" and guess what? Len had exactly one week off before he started a new and better position.
The alarm bells started going off, if I could remain strong and positive for everyone else, what about me? Didn't I deserve the same? So I started telling myself this was our year and how exciting to face new opportunities that come our way. I said it so many times that I was almost saying it in my sleep.
I am happy to say that taking my own advice has worked, I enrolled to study at Tafe and I have organised my own prac work at a pre school and I have had a stall at a craft market. These are huge things for me as I am an introvert and really have to push myself to talk to strangers. But I did it! I am so proud of myself for following my own advice.

Debbie xx
One piece of advice that I gave my children and their friends is to take every opportunity that comes there way and to live every square inch of their lives, but to be safe whilst doing so.
Interestingly, I haven't really followed this advice myself.
When I lost my job before Christmas, I was devastated. I allowed my feelings to rule my life again. the common theme was - who would employ me? I have no skills. I am too old. I fell apart.
Fast forward to March. Len was told he was being made redundant. Did I fall apart again? No. I stayed strong and positive. I kept saying to him "that wasn't your job anymore, its time to see what opportunity comes along" and guess what? Len had exactly one week off before he started a new and better position.
The alarm bells started going off, if I could remain strong and positive for everyone else, what about me? Didn't I deserve the same? So I started telling myself this was our year and how exciting to face new opportunities that come our way. I said it so many times that I was almost saying it in my sleep.
I am happy to say that taking my own advice has worked, I enrolled to study at Tafe and I have organised my own prac work at a pre school and I have had a stall at a craft market. These are huge things for me as I am an introvert and really have to push myself to talk to strangers. But I did it! I am so proud of myself for following my own advice.
Debbie xx
Thursday, May 29, 2014
In September, Len and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary and after lots of discussions we have said a great big YES to a 4 day holiday in Melbourne at The Grand Chancellor Hotel! I am so excited that I am already planning my wardrobe.
Do you have any special occasions coming up this year?
Debbie xx
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Post Every Day In May - Day 29 - Family
I love these selfies of us, we really don't have a whole lot of photos of us as a family unit. They also make me think about genetics and how different we all are. Megan is blonde and so pale, whereas Andy has brown hair and darker skin. We all share blue eyes and that's about it, I think.
Debbie xx
Debbie xx
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Post Every Day in May - Day 28
Last week I decided to make an infinity scarf for myself. Len and I were heading out for the day on Sunday and I wanted to have something new to wear. So off to Spotlight I went and bought some yarn and headed home to find a pattern. I started on Friday night and finished on Saturday night as it was nice and easy. Guess what? Yep it was too warm to wear it. Oh well, next time.
Debbie xx
Post Every Day in May - Day 26
I have been on a journey of self discovery this last 18 months or so and one major thing I have discovered about myself is that I start a project full of enthusiasm and struggle to keep that enthusiasm going to the end.
At the start of the year I signed up for Ali Edwards course, One Little Word, and whilst I still have my word in my thoughts every day, I have not kept up with the prompts.
Fat Mum Slim puts up photo prompts every month and I have stopped even reading the prompts because I never get to the end of the month.
When I read about this Post Every Day in May being run by Sunday at Love Happy Daily, I was so enthusiastic, but I am finding it hard to keep the momentum going.
I am happy to know this about myself but I would love to be able to change it. I am not sure if it is indifference, lack of enthusiasm, laziness or what? Does anyone have any tried and true methods for keeping focused?
Debbie x
At the start of the year I signed up for Ali Edwards course, One Little Word, and whilst I still have my word in my thoughts every day, I have not kept up with the prompts.
Fat Mum Slim puts up photo prompts every month and I have stopped even reading the prompts because I never get to the end of the month.
When I read about this Post Every Day in May being run by Sunday at Love Happy Daily, I was so enthusiastic, but I am finding it hard to keep the momentum going.
I am happy to know this about myself but I would love to be able to change it. I am not sure if it is indifference, lack of enthusiasm, laziness or what? Does anyone have any tried and true methods for keeping focused?
Debbie x
Saturday, May 24, 2014
A List For The Week
I have a reasonably quiet week coming up, which is lovely as I have a lot of things I want to do here at home. My to-do list looks something like this -
What does your list look like?

- Take Andy to physio appointment
- housework
- food shopping
- keep washing up to date
- study every day for 1 hour
- work on One Little Word prompt
What does your list look like?
Friday, May 23, 2014
Well, I really fell off the wagon this week. My anxiety levels have been high and I just did the necessities until it settled again. So I decided rather than try to catch up I would just start where I am.
Todays prompt is "if you could invite 3 people for dinner, who would they be and why"
This is interesting because I would like to meet Maggie Beer, but imagine the pressure of cooking for someone of her calibre.
As for Oprah or Ellen, would I be able to continue a conversation with these ladies and not feel inferior.
JK Rowling and Diana Gabaldon are two of my most loved authors, would I use words big enough?
If I am truly honest I already share dinner with the 3 people I most love to eat with. We talk, we laugh and we love.
What about you? Do you have a dream dinner guest list?
Debbie x
Todays prompt is "if you could invite 3 people for dinner, who would they be and why"
This is interesting because I would like to meet Maggie Beer, but imagine the pressure of cooking for someone of her calibre.
As for Oprah or Ellen, would I be able to continue a conversation with these ladies and not feel inferior.
JK Rowling and Diana Gabaldon are two of my most loved authors, would I use words big enough?
If I am truly honest I already share dinner with the 3 people I most love to eat with. We talk, we laugh and we love.
What about you? Do you have a dream dinner guest list?
Debbie x
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Post Every day In May - Catch Up - Day 19
Dream Job is the prompt for today and it wasn't too hard for me to come up with this one.
I have been "working" at my dream job for years.
I love being a parent and whilst there have been times where I thought I was a terrible parent, I can honestly now say otherwise.
Hubby has worked hard, and I worked at whatever I could do in school hours to ensure one of us was home when the kids were. Its been hard financially, but the rewards far outweigh that.
I look at the adults our two are becoming with so much pride.
However, now that they are older I am having to rethink my job. Which has lead me back to study and hopefully into a new dream job. Caring for other peoples little ones.
Whats your dream job?
Debbie x
I have been "working" at my dream job for years.
I love being a parent and whilst there have been times where I thought I was a terrible parent, I can honestly now say otherwise.
Hubby has worked hard, and I worked at whatever I could do in school hours to ensure one of us was home when the kids were. Its been hard financially, but the rewards far outweigh that.
I look at the adults our two are becoming with so much pride.
However, now that they are older I am having to rethink my job. Which has lead me back to study and hopefully into a new dream job. Caring for other peoples little ones.
Whats your dream job?
Debbie x
Post Every Day in May - Catch Up - Day 18
Today's prompt is to share ten things that make you happy. I have really been thinking about this and how I tend to think happiness does not come from things but how you are feeling, and then I thought I was over thinking the whole thing. So I have stopped thinking and I am just going to list and hit the button!
My husband - this year we celebrate 25 years of marriage (31 years of living together) and it makes me happy that we are still together.
My girl - there is a bond between us that I hope never breaks, this girls smile makes me happy.
My boy - this child only has to enter a room to make me happy.
Lucifer, my cat, curls up with me every night to sleep.
Diesel, our dog, lays his head on my lap when he wants a pat.
After leaving school 33 years ago, I am studying again.
Sharing meal times together as a family and always laughing at something our boy does.
Having the time to spend with my family.
Funny, that for all the thinking I did, my list came together quite quickly and its all about the people I love and doing things for me.
I wonder what your list would look like?
Debbie x
My husband - this year we celebrate 25 years of marriage (31 years of living together) and it makes me happy that we are still together.
My girl - there is a bond between us that I hope never breaks, this girls smile makes me happy.
My boy - this child only has to enter a room to make me happy.
Lucifer, my cat, curls up with me every night to sleep.
Diesel, our dog, lays his head on my lap when he wants a pat.
After leaving school 33 years ago, I am studying again.
Sharing meal times together as a family and always laughing at something our boy does.
Having the time to spend with my family.
Funny, that for all the thinking I did, my list came together quite quickly and its all about the people I love and doing things for me.
I wonder what your list would look like?
Debbie x
Post Every Day In May - Catch Up - Day 16
"Blogging is about sharing the love. Tell us about 5 blogs that you love reading regularly"
Every morning whilst I drink my first cup of tea I can be found reading blogs. In fact I probably need to cull a few as they no longer resonate with me.
I love reading Lily's posts over at Block A Day, her writing is amusing and full of her adventures as a wife, mum, student and thrifter.
Jenny of Jenny of Elefantz is a beautiful writer who loves to embroider, and look after her family.
I have been a long time reader of the lovely Janelle at Janelle Wind. I have had the pleasure of meeting Janelle in real life and I really enjoy reading about her stitching and family life.
Tammy from Girls Wear Blue Too is another real life friend. Tammy and I share a few common interests including a love of crochet and I fond her gentle ways remind me to slow down.
And lastly Anna, from One Big Sunshine Spritzer. I have become friends with Anna over the last few years and thoroughly enjoy her outlook on life and I get quite a few chuckles at the antics of her beautiful girls.
What about you? Do you have any favourite blogs you would like to share?
Debbie xx
Every morning whilst I drink my first cup of tea I can be found reading blogs. In fact I probably need to cull a few as they no longer resonate with me.
I love reading Lily's posts over at Block A Day, her writing is amusing and full of her adventures as a wife, mum, student and thrifter.
Jenny of Jenny of Elefantz is a beautiful writer who loves to embroider, and look after her family.
I have been a long time reader of the lovely Janelle at Janelle Wind. I have had the pleasure of meeting Janelle in real life and I really enjoy reading about her stitching and family life.
Tammy from Girls Wear Blue Too is another real life friend. Tammy and I share a few common interests including a love of crochet and I fond her gentle ways remind me to slow down.
And lastly Anna, from One Big Sunshine Spritzer. I have become friends with Anna over the last few years and thoroughly enjoy her outlook on life and I get quite a few chuckles at the antics of her beautiful girls.
What about you? Do you have any favourite blogs you would like to share?
Debbie xx
Post Every Day In May - Catch Up - Day 15
Today's prompt is to share or create a poster, card or piece of artwork with message that inspires you. This is very hard to narrow down. I am going through some challenges both personally and on the home front and spend time most days reading quotes on Pinterest.
My mantra has become - Let It Go.
As an introvert I can live in head quite easily, so I chant this phrase in my head, when I am getting too anxious.
It seems to work. Maybe a new tattoo idea.
Do you have a phrase or word that helps you through tough times?
Debbie x
My mantra has become - Let It Go.
As an introvert I can live in head quite easily, so I chant this phrase in my head, when I am getting too anxious.
It seems to work. Maybe a new tattoo idea.
Do you have a phrase or word that helps you through tough times?
Debbie x
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Makes Me Laugh
Today is my boys 17th birthday, and I have to admit he makes me laugh all of the time. Sometimes I laugh when I shouldn't.
When Andy was little he couldn't say "alpaca" instead saying "old pecker". I laughed every single time he said it.
On his 9th birthday, Andy told me he would be having his 18th birthday at a pub and when I asked why, he told me he was going to be a drinker not a gambler.
Every day Andy makes it his mission to make me laugh. He also likes to bring a smile to other peoples faces. Today his friends took him to Tex Mex for his birthday lunch and they all completed the 1kg burrito challenge and their prize was a wrestling face mask. On the way home, they went through the Macdonalds drive thru for ice cream and yep Andy wore his mask.
I love this about my boy. Happy birthday Andy!
Deb xx
Monday, May 12, 2014
Photo Walk
Yesterday was the sort of day where I stayed in my pyjamas until lunchtime and ate nothing but rubbish and then felt awful. So, I gave myself a mental kick in the tush, got dressed and headed out for a walk, camera in hand. There is a lovely garden not far from home that I love so I headed there to look at the changes Autumn has wrought. I love Autumn in the Blue Mountains, so many colours.
Do you have anywhere you like to head for photo walks?
Debbie x
Blog Name
As a family living with depression and anxiety, menopause and 2 teenagers things can get pretty crazy around here and so thats where the name came from.
Debbie x
Debbie x
Friday, May 9, 2014
Beauty/Fashion Tip
Okay this is something I have drummed into my almost 19 year old daughter for years.
Always wear the correct underwear.
There is most certainly a time and place for g-strings and the like, but there are times when you need decent underwear. For example, when wearing black tights. Have you ever been behind someone at the gym wearing black tights and a g-string? Not pretty.
So that's my advice. Do you have any wisdom to impart?
Happy Saturday!
Always wear the correct underwear.
There is most certainly a time and place for g-strings and the like, but there are times when you need decent underwear. For example, when wearing black tights. Have you ever been behind someone at the gym wearing black tights and a g-string? Not pretty.
So that's my advice. Do you have any wisdom to impart?
Happy Saturday!
Fridays Favourite Five
Today was a lovely home day for me, not a normal Friday by any means.
My five favourite things about today are -
1 - waking up to an empty house
2 - learning new crochet stitches
3 - handing in my first Tafe assessment
4 - lighting the fire (it's a bit chilly tonight)
5 - having a child free night (I must stop saying that as they are not children anymore)
I had forgotten how lovely it is to wake up and not have to talk. I made a cup of tea and sat outside in the sun and enjoyed the silence.
Next weekend I have a craft market so I am making some new things to sell. I have to say my creative juices are really flowing lately.
I have enrolled to do my Diploma of a Early Childhood Education and Care, after 30 years of not studying I am rather excited and nervous at the same time.
We are finding as the kids get older we actually get less alone time as they are up longer and watching the same program's as us, so it's rather wonderful to get a night home alone. It's nice to talk uninterrupted and not have arguments over TV shows.
How has your Friday been?
My five favourite things about today are -
1 - waking up to an empty house
2 - learning new crochet stitches
3 - handing in my first Tafe assessment
4 - lighting the fire (it's a bit chilly tonight)
5 - having a child free night (I must stop saying that as they are not children anymore)
I had forgotten how lovely it is to wake up and not have to talk. I made a cup of tea and sat outside in the sun and enjoyed the silence.
Next weekend I have a craft market so I am making some new things to sell. I have to say my creative juices are really flowing lately.
I have enrolled to do my Diploma of a Early Childhood Education and Care, after 30 years of not studying I am rather excited and nervous at the same time.
We are finding as the kids get older we actually get less alone time as they are up longer and watching the same program's as us, so it's rather wonderful to get a night home alone. It's nice to talk uninterrupted and not have arguments over TV shows.
How has your Friday been?
Thursday, May 8, 2014
My Reading List
Books play a huge role in my life. I don't remember a time when I didn't read, except for the first weeks of my babies lives maybe. I own so many books that we cant fit anymore into our house.
Two years ago I purchased a kindle and I still love it. I like to read in bed and the Kindle allows me to comfortably lay under the covers and read the night way.
So currently I am rereading (for the 5th time) Diana Gabaldon's Voyager series, and I have Eyrie by Tim Winton, and The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham waiting to be read for my book club.
I must say that belonging to a book club has really broadened my reading horizons. I have read books I probably wouldn't have looked at.
Do you read alot? Do you belong to a book club, either in person or online?
See you later!
Two years ago I purchased a kindle and I still love it. I like to read in bed and the Kindle allows me to comfortably lay under the covers and read the night way.
So currently I am rereading (for the 5th time) Diana Gabaldon's Voyager series, and I have Eyrie by Tim Winton, and The Dressmaker by Rosalie Ham waiting to be read for my book club.
I must say that belonging to a book club has really broadened my reading horizons. I have read books I probably wouldn't have looked at.
Do you read alot? Do you belong to a book club, either in person or online?
See you later!
Where I sit
I had visions of sitting on my back patio with my iPad, a cup of tea and the dog at my feet and blog away, but it hasn't worked out that way. I find it too hard to add photos using the iPad. So I sit at our old desk and use the PC.
Happy Thursday!
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Fave photo of me
Mmm, favourite photo of me. Well, anyone who knows me will tell you they rarely see photos of me as I hate getting my photo taken.
After a bit of searching I found this selfie that I really like. I don't look fat at all.
Do you struggle to get in front of the camera?
See you later,
After a bit of searching I found this selfie that I really like. I don't look fat at all.
Do you struggle to get in front of the camera?
See you later,
How To
This prompt I have struggled with as I keep thinking what do I know how to do that I can share. I thought so much that 3 days have passed and I haven't written one blog post.
I have been doing an online workshop with Ali Edwards called One Little Word and the idea is that you choose a word that resonates with you and you live your word for the year. I chose the word COURAGE as I need to be brave and make changes to live the life I want.
So, my "How To" is the steps I am following to catch up on my blog posts.
1 - make a cup of tea
2 - put on my big girl panties
3 - sit at the computer
4 - just start
See you later today!
I have been doing an online workshop with Ali Edwards called One Little Word and the idea is that you choose a word that resonates with you and you live your word for the year. I chose the word COURAGE as I need to be brave and make changes to live the life I want.
So, my "How To" is the steps I am following to catch up on my blog posts.
1 - make a cup of tea
2 - put on my big girl panties
3 - sit at the computer
4 - just start
See you later today!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Blog Every Day in May - Day 4
The prompt for today was to write about a compliment you received that resonated with you.
I have thought long and hard about this all day, and finally I have settled on this -
A couple of years ago I paid a visit to my older cousin, who is also my godmother, and she had not really seen me with my children. Towards the end of the visit she told me that I was a much better mother than she ever thought I would be. At first I was a bit shocked, but she went on to explain that I really knew my children. The good, the bad and the ugly. As a teenager I could be very gullible, and if I am honest even now I can still have the wool pulled over my eyes. But not with my kids. We are close enough that I know when they are lying, or exaggerating.
This compliment stayed with me and I have worked hard to keep up the close relationships with my children as they head into adulthood. We talk about almost anything, even when it's not a comfortable conversation.
So I have to say thank you to my cousin for ensuring I became an even better mother.
Happy Sunday evening!
I have thought long and hard about this all day, and finally I have settled on this -
A couple of years ago I paid a visit to my older cousin, who is also my godmother, and she had not really seen me with my children. Towards the end of the visit she told me that I was a much better mother than she ever thought I would be. At first I was a bit shocked, but she went on to explain that I really knew my children. The good, the bad and the ugly. As a teenager I could be very gullible, and if I am honest even now I can still have the wool pulled over my eyes. But not with my kids. We are close enough that I know when they are lying, or exaggerating.
This compliment stayed with me and I have worked hard to keep up the close relationships with my children as they head into adulthood. We talk about almost anything, even when it's not a comfortable conversation.
So I have to say thank you to my cousin for ensuring I became an even better mother.
Happy Sunday evening!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Today's blog prompt is less/more. This is something I have been trying to incorporate into my life for a little while now. I have been de cluttering and re arranging our house to make everything work more for us and less about what other people might think.
As a family we have been making sure we spend more time together and less time alone.
Personally, I am making sure i drink more water and less soft drink.
I could make a huge list of things that I want to do less/more of, but I think for me the big one is worrying less about what people think and more about what I think.
Do you have anything you want to do less/more of?
Happy Saturday
Thursday, May 1, 2014
What's In My Cup?
Today's blog prompt is - whats in your cup?
Well for me it is nearly always white tea with one sugar. Nerada tea is my poison and lite milk. For years I always drank out of thick mugs, but over the last few years I have gotten a wee bit fussy and like to drink out of bone china mugs.
Some of my earliest memories are sitting at my Nana's table with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other. Nana was very fussy, always a pot of tea, a bone china mug and extremely weak black tea. I remember always thinking what difference could a cup make? Now I know.
Since moving to the mountains I have joined a craft group and we always include afternoon tea with our crafting and it is served in beautiful tea sets which were wedding gifts or passed down from family members. Now, I have nothing like that so I have started my own collection.
I like my large pink mug in the morning because it is a big cup of tea. Then I use medium sized mugs for the rest of the day. When I host craft group, out comes the cups and saucers.
Did I mention I am fussy? Lol!
When I am out and about I drink either a latte or chai latte.
So, thats whats in my cup, whats in yours?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Goal Setting
One of the biggest things I am learning about myself is that I like to bite off more than I can chew. All of the time. I sign up for online classes and then don't finish because I am overwhelmed. 2014 is the year I am going to change this. I have bought myself an organiser, DH tells me to use my Ipad but he doesn't understand the joy of using a book and being able to open it easily and, not to mention, decorate it.
My main goal is to have the courage to live my life happily. No more sitting around feeling sorry for myself.
In my organiser I write a daily personal to-do list, no housework. So a typical day might look like this -
- study
- exercise
- One Little Word
- blog
- Psychologist visit/meditation
- eat better
- sort cupboards
- travel
Do you set goals for yourself?
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Yes, I am still here
Sorry for the break but life has been crazy busy around here. DH has had a job change. DD is back into the full swing of Uni and work and long distance relationships. DS has been busy with work, Year 11, gym and driving lessons. As for me - I have started studying for my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. Big changes for us.
DH and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this year and we have been looking at an overseas trip. Nothing fancy as our budget will be tight, but we have discovered that it is cheaper to head overseas than holiday here in Australia. Crazy. I am having fun doing lots of research and checking out destinations. DH has traveled overseas for work but I have only been to New Zealand 23 years ago eek!
I discovered a new blog called Love Happy Daily and Sunday is running a blog challenge for May. The challenge is to blog every day and Sunday has supplied a list of daily prompts. So I am going to give it a good attempt. blog-every-day-may is the link if you are interested.
I will be back tomorrow with another post.
Sorry for the break but life has been crazy busy around here. DH has had a job change. DD is back into the full swing of Uni and work and long distance relationships. DS has been busy with work, Year 11, gym and driving lessons. As for me - I have started studying for my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. Big changes for us.
DH and I are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this year and we have been looking at an overseas trip. Nothing fancy as our budget will be tight, but we have discovered that it is cheaper to head overseas than holiday here in Australia. Crazy. I am having fun doing lots of research and checking out destinations. DH has traveled overseas for work but I have only been to New Zealand 23 years ago eek!
I discovered a new blog called Love Happy Daily and Sunday is running a blog challenge for May. The challenge is to blog every day and Sunday has supplied a list of daily prompts. So I am going to give it a good attempt. blog-every-day-may is the link if you are interested.
I will be back tomorrow with another post.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Cake Bake and Sweet Show
Last Sunday I went to the Cake Bake and Sweets show at Sydney Olympic Park with my girl and one of her friends. I am not a cake decorator but I love baking and I was hoping to pick up a few tips.
The girls went their own way and I went in the opposite direction to have a look at what was on offer. Megan and I were huge fans of the show The Great Australian Bakeoff and I knew Maria Vella was doing a presentation so I went to the stage and settled in to watch Maria show us how to bake her Snickerz Sponge roll. I was delighted to see that Monique Bowley was the compere for the day and the girls kept us laughing and entertained. After the presentation I hung around and met both of these lovely ladies and had a photo and chat with each of them.
I also managed to meet the macaron king Adriano Zumbo! He was so nice and tall! And of course I bought some macarons to take home to my boys.
Duff from Ace of Cakes was also doing a presentation on the main stage, so I sat with the girls to watch him. He made ice cream and sorbet using dragon fruit and duran (?) and used liquid nitrogen to freeze them. There was much laughter as Duff is quite a character.
We all purchased a new cook book each and had lots of fun trying new things and checking out all of the cake decorating tools.
I think its safe to say I will be heading back next year.
bye for now
Deb x
The girls went their own way and I went in the opposite direction to have a look at what was on offer. Megan and I were huge fans of the show The Great Australian Bakeoff and I knew Maria Vella was doing a presentation so I went to the stage and settled in to watch Maria show us how to bake her Snickerz Sponge roll. I was delighted to see that Monique Bowley was the compere for the day and the girls kept us laughing and entertained. After the presentation I hung around and met both of these lovely ladies and had a photo and chat with each of them.
I also managed to meet the macaron king Adriano Zumbo! He was so nice and tall! And of course I bought some macarons to take home to my boys.
Duff from Ace of Cakes was also doing a presentation on the main stage, so I sat with the girls to watch him. He made ice cream and sorbet using dragon fruit and duran (?) and used liquid nitrogen to freeze them. There was much laughter as Duff is quite a character.
We all purchased a new cook book each and had lots of fun trying new things and checking out all of the cake decorating tools.
I think its safe to say I will be heading back next year.
bye for now
Deb x
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Hello! Yes I am still here!
When I lost my job just before Christmas, I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. I was given no opportunity to say goodbye to the children I had formed relationships with, the staff or any of my volunteers. It was awful. I cried for days. And if I ran into anyone attached to the school I would go home and cry. How was I going to pay for my counsellor visits? you know the story wah wah wah.
I decided it was a good time to do Ali Edwards One Little Word workshop and chose my word - COURAGE. I have had that word in my head like a chanted mantra. "have courage Deb" "remember to live courageously"
In January I attended a Project Life scrap night and I knew no one, definitely living up to my word.
I also told my friends about my ongoing battle with depression and anxiety - definitely took courage.
Last week I had a stall at a local craft market, a long time dream of mine, and you know what? I'm okay if I decide not to do it again. I did it.
I also went to have morning tea with a lovely lady I met through social media and made a new friend.
Over the last couple of days I have realised that losing my job was a blessing. I am no longer stressed. I am doing some casual typing for a friend. I have energy. I really dont miss most of the people I mixed with at work and I realise that the friends I have are the ones I need. They support me so much that I feel blessed to know them.
Way back when I was 15 I wanted to be a teacher but unfortunate family events meant that this was not possible, and as the years went on I loset my confidence and never felt able to do any further study. Well, I have just enrolled to study for a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care! I am so excited to embark on this. We have been rearranging study areas as Mr16 is in year 11 and needs an area to study aswell, so he and Miss18 will be sharing our second living area as a study and my craft room will become a study for MrWonderful and myself and double as a craft area. Phew its a lot of work getting it set up but it will be worth it in the end.
I am off to have a cuppa,
When I lost my job just before Christmas, I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. I was given no opportunity to say goodbye to the children I had formed relationships with, the staff or any of my volunteers. It was awful. I cried for days. And if I ran into anyone attached to the school I would go home and cry. How was I going to pay for my counsellor visits? you know the story wah wah wah.
I decided it was a good time to do Ali Edwards One Little Word workshop and chose my word - COURAGE. I have had that word in my head like a chanted mantra. "have courage Deb" "remember to live courageously"
In January I attended a Project Life scrap night and I knew no one, definitely living up to my word.
I also told my friends about my ongoing battle with depression and anxiety - definitely took courage.
Last week I had a stall at a local craft market, a long time dream of mine, and you know what? I'm okay if I decide not to do it again. I did it.
I also went to have morning tea with a lovely lady I met through social media and made a new friend.
Over the last couple of days I have realised that losing my job was a blessing. I am no longer stressed. I am doing some casual typing for a friend. I have energy. I really dont miss most of the people I mixed with at work and I realise that the friends I have are the ones I need. They support me so much that I feel blessed to know them.
Way back when I was 15 I wanted to be a teacher but unfortunate family events meant that this was not possible, and as the years went on I loset my confidence and never felt able to do any further study. Well, I have just enrolled to study for a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care! I am so excited to embark on this. We have been rearranging study areas as Mr16 is in year 11 and needs an area to study aswell, so he and Miss18 will be sharing our second living area as a study and my craft room will become a study for MrWonderful and myself and double as a craft area. Phew its a lot of work getting it set up but it will be worth it in the end.
I am off to have a cuppa,
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Turning off
Does anyone else have trouble turning off their thoughts? Does it stop you from making a simple decision?
I am over it. I go to bed, read for an hour, turn off the light and Bam! Here come all of the negative thoughts, and not so negative thoughts. The next thing I know is its 3 am and I am wide awake.
This year I decided to do Ali Edwards One Little Word class. Do you think I can settle on a word? Of course not! I think I have changed words 3 times and it's only the first month.
Before Christmas I was fired from my casual position for no reason. I had worked there for over 2 years and was devastated to be told I wasn't needed anymore. Yep, you guessed it, every night I go over everything I said or did trying to figure out why I was fired.
Deep down I know worrying is not going to change anything, but I can't help it.
I worry about my girl and her life. I worry about my husband who is having blood pressure issues. I worry about my mum and her health. I worry about what people think of me.
I am going crazy!
It's all about baby steps, and I try to keep occupied during the day so the thoughts don't creep in. It's the night that is doing me in.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Bye for now,
Deb x
I am over it. I go to bed, read for an hour, turn off the light and Bam! Here come all of the negative thoughts, and not so negative thoughts. The next thing I know is its 3 am and I am wide awake.
This year I decided to do Ali Edwards One Little Word class. Do you think I can settle on a word? Of course not! I think I have changed words 3 times and it's only the first month.
Before Christmas I was fired from my casual position for no reason. I had worked there for over 2 years and was devastated to be told I wasn't needed anymore. Yep, you guessed it, every night I go over everything I said or did trying to figure out why I was fired.
Deep down I know worrying is not going to change anything, but I can't help it.
I worry about my girl and her life. I worry about my husband who is having blood pressure issues. I worry about my mum and her health. I worry about what people think of me.
I am going crazy!
It's all about baby steps, and I try to keep occupied during the day so the thoughts don't creep in. It's the night that is doing me in.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Bye for now,
Deb x
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