One piece of advice that I gave my children and their friends is to take every opportunity that comes there way and to live every square inch of their lives, but to be safe whilst doing so.
Interestingly, I haven't really followed this advice myself.
When I lost my job before Christmas, I was devastated. I allowed my feelings to rule my life again. the common theme was - who would employ me? I have no skills. I am too old. I fell apart.
Fast forward to March. Len was told he was being made redundant. Did I fall apart again? No. I stayed strong and positive. I kept saying to him "that wasn't your job anymore, its time to see what opportunity comes along" and guess what? Len had exactly one week off before he started a new and better position.
The alarm bells started going off, if I could remain strong and positive for everyone else, what about me? Didn't I deserve the same? So I started telling myself this was our year and how exciting to face new opportunities that come our way. I said it so many times that I was almost saying it in my sleep.
I am happy to say that taking my own advice has worked, I enrolled to study at Tafe and I have organised my own prac work at a pre school and I have had a stall at a craft market. These are huge things for me as I am an introvert and really have to push myself to talk to strangers. But I did it! I am so proud of myself for following my own advice.
Debbie xx
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